Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Looking into a new market

I am now trying to internet marketing any suggestions and help with a new website it greatly appreicated!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

writing frees the spirit

I have now begun my new venture in writing, I have written pages I am sending in to have critiqued. This will be the very first time I have gotten the courage to let some one else read my stuff. I have joined writing groups on Twitter and face book that make me feel at home. They offer so much advise and help with tips and shared experience. I pray this is my new found career in the making. I will keep you posted!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Your answers, Quit and move on in Faith

I have been at my job for over eleven years and just a few days ago I quit. No, not for a job I had lined up as it should have been. In fact I had no clue and still do not know what I will do or where I will be. But I know it will be perfect, a blessing.
It was a leap of faith! In fact it was in Faith! I am not afraid nor am I worried. The key word here is faith, I have absolute trust in God that it is the right thing to do. And he will provide a much better way for me.
I have been struggling with myself for many months after reading a passage in the Bible. You see, I was working on a psychic line trying to help others in there quest for answers in all matters of life.
Hoping to bring a brighter path to some who had lost hope and needed reassurance. I was sure I was doing the right thing, I believed it was my calling.
But most of the time somewhere in our conversation would come the response that I would dread, as time went on I would dread the entire call! When will he or she call, or why doesn't he/she call me? Not one word I had said got through! Nothing else really matteres to them except what they wanted. Some of these callers hadn't heard from the person they were calling about for years. Some even had restraining orders against them and have completely let the devil convince them the person really does love them and just let another person; such as their wife or husband rule their life and is keeping them apart. When in fact the person told them it was over and years have gone by, the other person has moved on. Believing their own lie that they are waiting for the one person they are hung up on to change their mind to see how wonderful life could be if they would just let them back in!"If he/or she would just contact me I know everything would be right. No dating or trying to move on for these callers.. this was in call after call after call person after person for years!
For awhile I would use the gentle approach that some things in life happen because we are meant to grow and move in other directions God has laid out for us and we weren't ment to suffer. Loving life isn't always easy but to no longer see anything in front of you, to no longer have eyes to see your own childrens need of you! Of cousre most of the callers were already married to someone else and it was as though their mate didn't exist!
The Bible is a book I have read off and on for years! Not until the last year or so had I read and understood most of what it is telling me! It is a blessing to have a an understanding of God, he has a plan for us, God even sent us a savior Jesus Christ to save us from an unforgivable sin we were born into!
Then I realized I am suppose to try to teach Gods word to all his children! Which I was doing but some how it would go back to the caller wanting me to make a prediction they were counting on me to provide some inside knowledge like a psycic should I guesss, though my website never said I was a psychic ..It said "I am a Christian living and walking in the word of God."
And working the lines for so many years I always felt compelled to tell them close to what they wanted to hear to please them!.
When that changed and I stuck to Gods word, I became rejected by most and if they didn't like what they heard they could most certainly just call one of the other, now thousands of proclaimed psychics!
The whole thing became very clear to me, this is the devils playground!! Some callers, in fact, most new callers would say to me "that isn't what the last psychic told me" Or I have talked to many Psychics and some say this and some say that" not only have they put all their trust into a stranger on the other ends of the phone instead of God, they pay hundreds of dollars every day to hear someone tell them the truth they want to hear!
The tricks satan uses
So heres how this works;
1) First, some one or something will entice you with the amount of money you can make (on this particular site). You have control of how many calls you take and how much you charge and you can pretty much say what ever you want and not have any proof or credentials so anyone can do this!
It is just this easy!
a) you work out of your home, anytime you want!
b) need no special skills or education
c) easy tools needed phoneline, anytype and or (Tarot cards) zodiac (for personality triats) or just lie!
2) Satan lets the so called psychic believe that they can tell the future, see things in the past, and that your answer was what they needed, and as you take more calls and become more familar with what people want, like in most things you will become experienced in how to handle the call, the person! Now your hooked.
3) The callers needs answers now! Believe's in you and keeps calling, they no longer trust themselves and some will even tell you they don't know why they are calling, but they need to hear what you input is on ... everything they do now!!! They can't even afford it and they will say so! But non the less you will both keep talking. Both of us are hooked!
4) The Psychic becomes competitive and starts spending their own money to get more calls. In a lot of cases more is spent than what is made! ( this is a new option the site provided for people to get more calls, advertise yourself! There are now Millions of members your up against).
5) The calls don't come in when it is convienient for you, it becomes an interruption you didn't see before and they are not lasting as long, too many others to call and they will take out their frustrations on the psychic (the slave).
6) Most psychics have become very chained to the job, unhappy, working more and more to get the imcome they are accustomed to. Changing their websites, updating information on themselves they can get away with. ( Now convinced they have a talent most would want). It has become their lifeline most have left jobs and put family aside to do this full time.
Well I could go on and on, I think you get the picture. Yes It is the devils playground we need to stay away from! It hits you in every aspect of our life. But you are protected by asking Jesus into your life and he will never let you down. Just ask Him! Then listen.
Trust in God, study the Bible, your rewards are much greater than anything you could even imagine, I have seen it, I have lived it. I am FREE
from satans grip.
If you need an answers to things in your life read the Bible. If you want to know if something is of God, read in the New Testament, 1st John;4 1-6 about "The spirit of Truth and the Spirit Error" so you know where the truth is in your life.
God Loves You, He gave us Jesus Christ his only begotten son, our Savior from death and sin, disease, illness, bondage, fear, guilt, pain and suffering, lonliness, all lifes issues and problems created by the world. Just call on him he will answer all your questions correctly. Learn to listen! And start to live! Live in the spirit not in the flesh.
I pray you recieve many blessings
God Bless us All