Monday, April 28, 2008

Who's in Control?

As much as I love working with people. I know it is time to take a break from it when it becomes work. We all have our struggles and sometimes getting someone to see a new light on situations isn't that easy... First of all, I am not living their life and it is easy for me to see it so clearly from my point of view. I guess that must be where the saying "Easier said than done" comes in. What it seems to come down to is having patience, faith in ourselves, an ability to truly trust ourselves and believe we have the power of our own lives, in our control. When it is time to decide on things, It is your life after all. The experience belongs to each individual we will not all feel the same way. Only when we start to let the things that bother us, have so much control over our happiness, or our progress, do thing gets hard. Then we have given all our energy and power to the wrong area's of our life and wonder what is going wrong ...

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