Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Great Blog

Writing this blog is wonderful. A bit scary, but wonderful. I've always wanted to Sit down just letting words flow into a perfect stream of the next great novel. Ah wouldn't that be the writer's dream. Publisher's waiting at the door, editors complimenting every word written and reader's standing in long lines just to buy your book! J.K.Rowling must have had that feeling when Harry Potter came to life. Hey, I would be grateful if anyone just wanted to read what I write in this blog. In fact! I would be as excited as if I had written.. "The Blog Everyone Wants to Read". Truthfully I have no clue as to whether I can write or not! But this blog gives me that chance to boldly write and hit that publish button and believe. Believe that the writing muse is whispering in my ear. Along with my guardian angel, fairy godmother and and any one else who would help. And if not one person reads a single word, I still have the satisfaction of writing and publishing. Yes I know, it is only a blog. For me it is like a novel, the great blog. Practice, it is said, makes perfect, and with time, effort, thought and lots of practice, I have the highest of hopes that a reader will find my story interesting to say the least. I know your out there some where, waiting...

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